Surviving the Lurgy

We have been overcome by the lurgy in our household over the last couple of weeks. Lily has had it the worst and ended up on antibiotics for bronchitis but we've all had something or other and it's been pretty relentless.

It has prompted me to get on with a thorough, deep clean of the whole house. That too can feel like an endless task, but it isn't all doom and gloom.

We've nearly finished decorating Lily's room. I felt it was a bit gloomy in there so we've brightened it up with a fresh lick of paint and we're finally getting round to putting some pictures up on the walls. We used a paint free of toxins, but have still had Lily sleeping in with us whilst the room airs out. I'm going to miss snuggling with her when she goes back to her own bed although it'll be nice to not get kicked in the head...

The piano has gone! It belonged to our landlords who no longer wanted it, and sadly, none of us can play so we decided to get rid of it. I'm sure at some point in the future we'll look back and regret parting with a piano. I know I'd love for Lily and Ollie to have lessons at some point. But for now, it was taking up too much room and I'm glad to have space to move in the dining room.

In the absence of actually getting out, and in the face of approaching cabin fever, we decided to bring the soft play to us and got the ball pit out for Ollie to play in. It turned out to be a fab way of keeping him entertained for ages whilst I could look after Lily.

We have ended up watching way too much television. It's something I swore I'd never do, but a few days into serious lurgy-ness I headed straight for the sofa, made a bed for Lily and stuck Ben and Holly on Netflix. Needs must.

On the occasions when we have got out of the house we've had fun, like this trip to a baby show at our local theatre, attended by the lovely princesses from Fairydust Entertainment.

And so now we're coming out the other side and getting back to normal. Just in time for half term which I am particularly happy about, as it means I get a whole afternoon to myself on Wednesday, just for cleaning. Yippee!
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